Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Month in Review: March

Ack! My blogging is getting less consistent as the year marches on! 28 posts in January, 19 in February, and this is only my 15th of the month. Bad blogger!

This was another tough month for me personally - my husband was out of town for the entire month and that interview I had back in February? Didn't get that job. Interviewed for another and missed it again. Waiting to hear back from Human Resources again about scheduling another interview in a different department, however. It's encouraging that this company seems to really like me, but I wish they would settle on a place to put me!

I have been reading a ton this month, as I mentioned in my Dirty Little Secrets review. However, a lot of those books I just wasn't enthusiastic about. I'm going to review them all, eventually, I just want to be able to break up the negative reviews with some positive ones as well.

I also just flat out gave up on my first book of the year. I usually persevere through even the worst books - I want to be fully informed when I go off on a rant about how terrible it was. This book wasn't even that bad, it just bored me, and as I currently have 29 books checked out from the library, I just don't have the time at this point to waste on a book that I can't dig up any feelings for, positive or negative.

Oh, and of those 29 books, only three of them are overdue! I wanted to return them yesterday, but I got to the library five minutes after it closed (it was only 6:05!) and they even lock up the outside drop boxes out here, so you can't drop off books after hours. Tomorrow I'm heading straight to the library after work to return those overdue books...and pick up several more that just came in. I really need to stop requesting books until I whittle down my already-checked-out pile!

In non-review posts this month, I gave my thoughts on Women's History Month and celebrated Ada Lovelace Day by reviewing a biography of Marie Curie. I finally got one of the preeminent books in the fallen angel paranormal romance trend and was seriously underwhelmed and have decided I need to call it quits on that particular trend. My favorite book by far this month was the previously mentioned Dirty Little Secrets, followed by Scarlett Fever (despite the less-than-stellar ending) and Marcelo in the Real World (where, again, I was way behind on picking up on the trend. But I'm still glad I got around to reading it).

Here's hoping my blogging schedule gets more consistent in April! We're finally getting the first signs of spring here in New York - which means I'm going to get to spend lunch time OUTSIDE in the park, where I can read or blog without my bosses looking over my shoulder (thank you, Madison Square Park wifi!)
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